You know you are trying to conceive when.....
1. You are measuring and quantifying everyhing
you can in your life. Basal Body Temperature,
cervical mucus, lh predictor kit results, exercise, food, caffeine intake, etc.
Thank goodness for apps but good luck not
losing your sanity...even just a little bit.
2. Your regular cycle gets wacky....just to
keep you on your toes.
3. Those damned pregnancy tests all measure
different levels of HGC and claim to be able to confirm pregnancy on different days
of your cycle....resulting in fighting the urge (and often losing) any day after
ovulation. (Never knew that HPTs could be
such a great business.)
4. TTC (Trying To Conceive) blogs become your
greatest hope and worst enemy.
5. As ridiculous as all those TTC blog abreviations
are, you start using them. AF = Aunt Flow?
Seriously ladies, we are not in middle school...I
6. You're partner has never been more interested
in and open to talking about your cycle...and you realize just how much they didn't
pay attention during high school sex ed.
7. Two weeks of each month feels like an eternity.
8. Sex, while still enjoyable, also feels like
Olympics. You may be exhausted, sick, battered
or bruised but you still go for the gold!
9. Any PMS symptom now becomes a possible pregnancy
symptom...damn you TTC blogs, websites and books!
10. Foreplay becomes "I think I'm going
to ovulate soon" and it works, every time.
11. The idea of nausea, weight gain and breast
tenderness has never sounded so good.
That is my list! Got any to add to? We'd love to hear from you!
I can totally relate!!!!! Except the partner part. Try trying to conceive as a single woman ...... including the doctor asking you if anybody ever explained to you how it works...... yeah.