Hear No Evil
Hey! I am HearNoEvil. I am a mom of three
under age of 4, wife, scholar, chocoholic, dog-hater, clean freak, very busy
human being. I am HearNoEvil simply because I don’t have time for bullshit, so
I mentally isolate myself from the world (ok, I also isolate myself physically
sometimes. I can go a couple of days without going outside, for instance).
Talking to friends and taking the shit out by being bitchy is the closest to
therapy I ever been (and ever will), so this blog is my anchor to sanity.
See No Evil
SeeNoEvil is my theoretical path towards
sanity. Life is hectic and requires an escape plan. SeeNoEvil provides me
with an escape from the chaos of everyday life mess including South American
traffic, being overworked, remembering the important crap you forgot to do
at 2am and the random stuff you did instead.
Being a liberal female in a very male dominated society, dying to punch
people and smiling instead, SeeNoEvil prevents me from going to jail, costly
court fees and social ostracism. I am a
coffeeholic who loves literature, movies, endless puzzle nights, puppies and
sleeping in.
Say No Evil
Welcome to my online alter ego,
SayNoEvil. I am a workaholic and
bake-a-holic who loves coffee, tea, chocolate and anything sweet. My healthy alter ego does yoga daily, loves to
run, hike with my two neurotic dogs and bike with my husband. My jobs require good graces, manners and
courtesy, even in the face of utter insanity, power trips and bureaucratic
BS. My best friends live countries away
and this blog keeps us from launching
ourselves off the highest thing available...such as, tables, chairs, roofs,
etc. SayNoEvil is my way to keep my
current jobs, not offend my Facebook friends and express my 3rd alter ego,
making myself whole...b/c everyone is a little evil, and its what makes life fun.